Wednesday, May 3, 2023

I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life

Jesus speaks to the Apostles about preparing a place for them in His Father's House. When Thomas asks Jesus "how can we know the way?"  Jesus responds somewhat cryptically : "I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life." One has to ask themselves what does that mean? In the age of Google maps we tend to want more clear directions, don't we? We want someone to go along with us and tell us what to do at every important point along the journey. If we make a wrong turn we want to hear "recalculating" and we expect to receive instructions on how to get back on the right path. Those kind of directions are rare in Scriptures. 

God told Abraham to leave the safety and comfort of his home and "Go to a place that I will show you." Without even so much as a cardinal point to follow, Abraham boldly set out - and he was justified by his faith.

We, however, are given a cardinal point to follow: Jesus tells us later in this week's Gospel, that "Whoever believes in me will do the works that I do......."

Let us allow the HOLY SPIRIT to be our "Google Maps." Let us pray to hear the promptings of THE SPIRIT in our hearts telling us "This is the way....." Let us follow Jesus, not simply in word - but most importantly; in works.



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