Saturday, May 27, 2023

The Peace of God.

In this weeks gospel John 20:19-23 Jesus appears to the disciples who are locked in a room because they feared the Jews. Jesus appears and says “peace be with you “ After saying this he shows them his side and hands.  They are filled with joy because Jesus kept his promise. He returned exactly like he said he was going to.  He said to them again “peace be with you” and breathed on them and said “receive the Holy Spirit If you forgive people’s sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” 

When I read this gospel I felt a deep connection to the phrase “peace be with you”  As a man I ask what else can you really ask God for? Sure we can ask for wealth, and material success. Yet, what is all that worth without peace.  Peace is a state of being that many of us tend to overlook.  We see what others have on the outside and assume that it’s what we want.  The truth is peace is on the inside of our lives. It isn’t always flashy or shiny. It’s isn’t  always in plain sight.  Peace is a state of mind. Peace is knowing that you are in relationship with the lord. Peace is knowing that your sins forgiven and you are in good standing with Jesus. “Peace be with you.” What a powerful statement coming from Jesus himself.  He brings peace to his disciples. He brings Peace to those in fear. That’s is what our faith does. It brings us peace when we or lost. You can have all the “stuff” of this world and still be without peace. I’ve seen it first hand.  So many of us are looking  for peace in the wrong places.  Our wallets, cars, trips, drugs, tv, etc, are all temporary. Lasting peace  comes when you focus on the lord and the Holy Spirit. 

Later that evening Holy Spirit was received by the disciples. Through the breath of Jesus they were transformed by the Holy Spirit.  At the beginning of this gospel the disciples were  hiding in a room, doors locked and with fear in their hearts. A few moments later Jesus appears and changes everything.  That is what the Holy Spirit does for you and I. He changes everything. He allows us to invert fear so that it becomes faith.  When you are filled with the Holy Spirit things that seem impossible become possible. People that seemed difficult  to spend time with become easy.  They transform to us. They become easy  and not because they changed. You changed. Your spirit changed. Your eyesight and hearing changed.  Those changes are a byproduct of being filled with the Holy Spirit.  We are not fixed or permanent. Who we are changes given the situation.  Jesus is permanent. He is fixed and not going anywhere. 

After being transformed the disciples were  given their mission. They are to go out  and forgive the sins of others. They are to go out into the world and fill others with the Peace that you can only get from Jesus.  If you come to Jesus your sins are forgiven. If you choose not to come... your sins are retained.   We have a choice.  Long ago we chose Jesus. We are called to choose everyday.  Choose peace over everything. 

Peace be with you. 


Saturday, May 20, 2023

The Army You Have

It has been said that you go to war with the army you have, not the army you might wish to have in the future.    

The Gospel reading for the Ascension made me think of this quote.  I noticed that Jesus addressed the 11 apostles, and not the 12, and told them to go out into the world to spread His message.  It was 11 and not 12 because it was the time between the death of Judas and the appointment of Matthias. So, the "army" was short one soldier.  Jesus didn't hesitate, however, to tell the apostles to go out and make disciples of all nations. Quite a big job, especially with 11/12ths of your force.  

Soon after Jesus ascended into heaven, the apostles voted to appoint Matthias to replace Judas, but that's not the point.  The point is that Jesus wanted them to start right away, even down one soldier.

The lesson for us?  Don't wait to do your good works.  Don't wait until all the stars are in line.  Do the best you can with what you have, and do it now.  If you can give a nickel to a poor person today, don't wait until tomorrow in the hopes you'll be able to give a dollar.  And if you can help a friend a little bit tonight, go tonight.  Don't wait until tomorrow when you think you might have more time.  As I recently learned with a friend of mine who died, tomorrow doesn't always come.  

God wants you to do your best now, with whatever you have.  Go to war with the army, supplies, and time you have.

May God bless you in abundance.

- The Older Brother

Thursday, May 11, 2023


Sunday 14 May

Sixth Sunday of Easter

John 14:15-21


O’ Lord, You are more than a character in a story, beyond a hero in tragic a novel and all that could never be described adequately.

You, Lord You remain the Holy of Holies and the majestic God of all creation who I trust in with all my soul.

            Spirit of Truth – quench my thirst!

O’ Lord, You are the ointment to the deep wounds of loss that I carry like a heavy boulder sitting upon my shoulders.

You, Lord, stand beside me healing the painful holes in my heart left behind from those who have gone home and loved.

            Spirit of Christ – give me liberty!

O’ Lord, Spirit of Wisdom, and Good Counsel, I cry out to you like that that one lost sheep who wandered from the flock.

Lord, how must long longer must I wait before I stand before Your Glory - for my soul is battered from this journey called life.

            Spirit of Adoption – sustain me!

O’ Lord, You are the Divine Comforter, my Holy Ally who blows like the wind and falls like the rain from above.

Holy Advocate, teach me the way to survive and forge ahead in ways that are unknown to me now.

            Spirit of Divine Knowledge – mentor me for what’s left of my journey!

The Pilgrim



Wednesday, May 3, 2023

I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life

Jesus speaks to the Apostles about preparing a place for them in His Father's House. When Thomas asks Jesus "how can we know the way?"  Jesus responds somewhat cryptically : "I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life." One has to ask themselves what does that mean? In the age of Google maps we tend to want more clear directions, don't we? We want someone to go along with us and tell us what to do at every important point along the journey. If we make a wrong turn we want to hear "recalculating" and we expect to receive instructions on how to get back on the right path. Those kind of directions are rare in Scriptures. 

God told Abraham to leave the safety and comfort of his home and "Go to a place that I will show you." Without even so much as a cardinal point to follow, Abraham boldly set out - and he was justified by his faith.

We, however, are given a cardinal point to follow: Jesus tells us later in this week's Gospel, that "Whoever believes in me will do the works that I do......."

Let us allow the HOLY SPIRIT to be our "Google Maps." Let us pray to hear the promptings of THE SPIRIT in our hearts telling us "This is the way....." Let us follow Jesus, not simply in word - but most importantly; in works.

