Saturday, August 26, 2023

What's the difference?

We are who we are, regardless of who people say we are.  We are children of God.

This Sunday's Gospel reading is Matthew 16:13-20.  You know the reading.  Jesus asks Peter who "the people say" that the Son of Man is.  Peter tells Him that the people are saying John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.  Jesus asks Peter who Peter says Jesus is.  Peter says, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."  Jesus basically tells Peter that Peter is blessed, suggesting that that is the right answer.   

But, what's the difference who people say Jesus is?  Jesus is who He is, and nobody's labels or judgements can change that.

And so it is for us.  We should strive to understand that we are all children of God.  Each of us.  Every human who lives, or has lived, or ever will live.  What we call each other is irrelevant, and often hurtful and/or incorrect.

So, try not to get too caught up in what people say about us.  We are (this includes you) children of God, and nothing can change that.  Read Romans 8:38-39 for homework in that regard. ;)  

And consider that when we say things about other people, and label them as right or wrong, good or bad, natural or unnatural, traditional or untraditional, we are speaking of a child of God.  A child whom God created, and whom God loves.  To try to categorize or limit or lessen other people and their relationships to one another is to deny that God loves them exactly as much as God loves us.  And it is destructive hubris to think that we know the mind of God.

God bless each of you.

- The Older Brother 

Thursday, August 17, 2023


Change of Heart

Matthew 15: 21-28 Gospel

August 20, 2023


O’ Lord, do You hear my cries from below for help that mimic those of the Canaanite woman?

Lord, at times I feel pinned against a wall, seemingly trapped and with no hope of escape.

              Hear my plea, Holy Redeemer!

Father God, are You listening from above and hear my bewailing, “Lord, help me?”

Do not allow my heart to be hardened like stone because of the world’s apathy and indifference.          Hear my plea, Savior of the World!

Lord, espy me as You walk by and as I call out to you from this place of hunger and need.

You know all Yeshua, including the utterances in my mind that hopefully will give You pause.

              Hear my plea, God of 70 times 70!

O’ Lord, this little outcast (the Canaanite) stopped You in your tracks and changed Your heart.

Grateful I am to have a God like You who bends rather than breaks and who is soft with the rod.

              Hear my praise, God of Opportunity!

Father God, on this fateful day the gates of Heaven opened wide with Your change of heart.

For this little one of great faith inspired You to invite all to the feast who love and trust.

              Hear my thanks, God of Wisdom!

“Pray for us dear, Canaanite sister!”

                                                                                                     The Pilgrim.




Saturday, August 12, 2023

He was there alone....

Scripture tells us in many places that Jesus went away from others to be alone in order to pray. In this week's Gospel reading, Jesus does just this; He sends the Apostles ahead of him and goes up the mountain to be alone and to pray. I think this is very significant, and Jesus, as always, is the model for which we should strive to be like.

Did He give thanks to God the Father, for the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand? Did He ask for strength for what lies ahead? Did He pray for His Apostles that they might receive the graces He gave them and bear great fruit? Of course, we have no way of knowing the actual content of His prayer on the mountain, but we can be sure that we aught to learn from the example He gives us. It is truly great that we gather as a community and participate in the celebration of the Eucharist. This is necessary. If we pay attention, though; we can know that there is still more.

Let us be sure that we do not neglect the great gift of relationship that our God shares with us. For we are not "alone" when we go away from everyone else to be with God; we are with the abundant source of all life. And He calls us each and every day to be alone with Him.  Can you hear His call?


Thursday, August 3, 2023


Señor, qué bueno sería quedarnos aquí “


Al ser testigos de la Transfiguración del Señor, los discípulos, Pedro, Santiago y Juan, presenciaron y experimentaron un pedacito de la gloria de Dios. Vivieron anticipadamente la felicidad que nos ha sido prometida a todos.  Por eso exclamaron. “Señor, que bueno sería quedarnos aquí”.


Ellos y sus compañeros tuvieron la dicha de vivir en la presencia de Jesús durante la vida pública de éste. En esta ocasión recibieron un privilegio más, ver, experimentar, sentir la Gloria de Dios.


Dicen los maestros de la vida espiritual que el gran reto de nuestra vida es caer en cuenta que Dios vive en nosotros, que está siempre presente en cada uno de nosotros, que nos conoce por nombre, que nos AMA.


Dice el hermano Lorenzo, un religioso Carmelita, laico que vivió en el siglo XVII , que para poder vivir en la presencia de Dios, nos ayuda el detenernos unos instantes durante las diferentes ocupaciones del día y aún durante nuestra oración para renovarnos en la presencia de Dios. Para caer en cuenta que Él es, para alabarlo, para darle gracias, para descansar en su amor.


Esta práctica de reconocer su presencia frecuentemente durante nuestro día, nos ayudará a reconocerle no solamente nosotros sino también en las demás personas y en el universo que nos rodea.


Esta semana pasada tuve una experiencia de la bondad de Dios en mi vida y en la vida de mi familia, sentí su presencia continua en nuestras vidas.


Mi esposa, mi hija, mi nieta y yo estábamos de vacaciones. Acabamos de almorzar y estábamos listos a emprender el viaje de regreso a Long Island.

Cuando íbamos a subir al automóvil

mi nieta notó que una llanta delantera había perdido bastante aire. Recordamos que habíamos pasado una estación de gasolina antes de llegar al restaurant.


Nos dirigimos allí. Al llegar preguntamos si había alguien que podía chequearnos la llanta. Una persona inmediatamente se ofreció a ayudarnos. Comprobó que había un escape de aire en la llanta, pero nos informó que ellos no tenían las herramientas necesarias para arreglarla


Pero regresó a la oficina y con la ayuda de otra persona, buscaron en la computadora y encontraron un lugar cercano,  a menos de cinco minutos de distancia ,a donde podían ayudarnos.


Llegamos al lugar, los recibieron cortésmente, nos invitaron a sentarnos en un salón con sillones cómodos y aire acondicionado para esperar en lo que reparaban la llanta. Lo que hicieron en una media hora y pudimos emprender el viaje de regreso.


Dimos gracias a Dios porque el problema había surgido en un lugar donde pudimos encontrar ayuda inmediata. Dimos gracias a Dios porque todas las personas a quienes recurrimos, respondieron con cortesía y bondad.


Reconocimos y dimos gracias por la protección, el amparo, la gran bondad de Nuestro Dios que está siempre está con nosotros.


¡ Señor, qué bueno es vivir en tu presencia!


El Caballero de Nuestra Señora