Saturday, February 25, 2023

Enduring Faith

 In this weeks Gospel Matthew 4:1-11. Jesus is taken to the desert and  while fasted, was taken into the desert by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by the Satan. At first it may seem like the devils plan but  this was God at work.  It was God showing the world that Jesus was indeed the great redeemer.  I believe that God brings us to tough times only to get us through them. He allows us to see who he his.  

While in  the desert and Satan asks  “If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.” 

Jesus replies “It is written, Not in bread alone doth man live, but in every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God.” 

So yes, the devil failed.  It was a nice try considering Jesus was starving after a 40 day fast.  Isn’t that how the Devil I operates ? He hits you when you are down.  Hoping to finally break your spirit.  Like Jesus we are always called to resist.  After the first failed attempt, the Devil strikes again. This time he takes Jesus up on top of temple and says “If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down, for it is written: That he hath given his angels charge over thee, and in their hands shall they bear thee up, lest perhaps thou dash thy foot against a stone.” Jesus replies “It is written again: Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.”

Jesus’s reply was straightforward. Do not tempt me. Don’t even bother.  He is letting the devil know that it’s not even an option. His faith is that strong that it is simply a waste of time for the devil.  We too can show that  kind of faith. The faith that no matter what we have going on, God is with us. In Satan’s third attempt  he took Jesus to the top of a mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world.  Then Satan says “All these will I give thee, if falling down thou wilt adore me.”  Jesus says to him “Begone, Satan: for it is written, The Lord thy God shalt thou adore, and him only shalt thou serve.”  Once  again Jesus let’s the devil know that only God is the answer. Nobody or No thing can get in the way.  Begone, it’s only God that I believe in. Another failed attempt and after that Satan left Jesus alone. 

Like Jesus we are always tempted to give in to  the Devil or our lower nature. The side of us that we try to keep hidden. The side of us that we are probably ashamed of even having.  I think that since we are human it’s ok to acknowledge that there are aspects of ourselves that we are working on.  We all have parts  of our character that we are refining or trying to eliminate.  What I have found to be true for me is that God is the beginning and the end of it all.  The temptations, the wins, the losses the ups and the downs are all part of God’s plan.   I believe that the refining of our character takes place in the desert. We are made whole only after be broken. We are made to win only after a few losses.  The real question becomes can your faith endure? Can your faith out last temptation after temptation to give in and give up believing.  Can you get up and fight another day on Gods terms? Can you do what is right instead of what the world wants. The world wants the kingdoms. As believers we just want God. We want God at the center of our lives. Even if it means a little hunger.  Even if it means a little sacrifice. We continue to tell the Devil to begone.  Like Jesus we are called to choose God every time  in the face of temptation.  Who do you choose when the sun is setting on a cold winter night and you are locked outside? Who do you choose when you are down and the devil shows up to drag you down a little more? Who are you choosing to believe  when the storm clouds are forming?  We as believers always choose God. We choose The God that sent his son to earth and allowed him to  be tempted, suffer, die and rise again. We are called to follow the example set by Jesus. We believe. 

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Not My Cheek

This week's Gospel reading is the "eye for an eye" vs. "turn the other cheek" reading.  Matthew 5:38-48

I love that reading, and I love the sentiment.  And I can do it.  I can turn the other cheek.  As long as it's my cheek that was slapped.

But I have people I love, and that's where I have a problem.  I can't turn the other cheek when it's not my cheek that was slapped.  It's not my forgiveness to grant.  And besides that, I tend to love the people I love more than I love myself.

I can do Christianity pretty easily when it comes to myself, but loving my enemies is really difficult when my enemies are also the enemies of those I love.

So, as I have found myself recently doing, I turn to Mary.  Mary had a son that she loved dearly, and he was tortured and killed, and she still stood as silent witness to his forgiveness.  She amplified His message, if that's possible, by supporting it silently while being present for Him.  

Peace be with you.

- The Older Brother

Thursday, February 9, 2023


The Choice

2.12.23 Gospel Reflection

Matthew 5: 17-37


O’ Lord, You are the shining and stellar God who reigns as King from Zion’s mount.

Lord, You are the zenith of inconceivable contentment and shining perfection.


O’ Lord, too many to count were the times when I chose sin and departed from You.

Lord, foolish and self-righteous was I to believe that I knew better than the Almighty. 


                             Glory to the Lord of my Inheritance!


O’ Lord, You there were times I thought You slept and did not see the shortcuts I plotted.

Yet, You Father saw everything including my desire to accumulate, compete and take.


Lord how patient You were in waiting for the perfect time to transform my cold heart.

For I was content in hanging alongside the one who mocked You before his last breath.


                             Praise to the Victorious Resurrection!


O’ Lord, how my heart aches now as I reflect upon the carnage and damage I caused.

While much work still needs to be done, I am grateful for Your second chances.


Lord, absolute truth flows from thy mouth, like the mighty Amazon pours forth unbridled life.

Your love is incessant and tremendous, for your faith in me is unmatched by any known.


                             Glory to the Lord of Deliverance!


How wonderful You are Father to accept us, in all we are and all we are not. 

                                                                                                                                 The Pilgrim.







Thursday, February 2, 2023


 la Luz del mundo


En el momento en que mi nuera se graduó de maestra con una especialidad en la enseñanza de Parvulitos (early childhood education) había pocas oportunidades de empleo en las escuelas públicas de Long Island.  Ella logró conseguir una posición en una escuela privada pero su objetivo era lograr un puesto en un distrito escolar público.


En los años siguientes el mercado comenzó a cambiar en parte debido a incentivos que ofreció el Estado de Nueva York a maestros veteranos para que se jubilaran.


El distrito donde yo trabajaba no era una excepción. Comenzaron a abrirse posiciones pero yo no quería recomendar a un miembro de mi familia por la crítica de la cual podría ser objeto.


Un buen día, una amiga cuyo criterio yo respeto mucho, me dijo, “ si yo tuviera un hijo o una hija de edad preescolar, me encantaría que tuviera una maestra como tu nuera”.


Recapacite y le sugerí a mi nuera que solicitara al distrito escolar donde yo trabajaba.


El día de las entrevistas había muchos candidatos y candidatas para los diferentes puestos. 


Al final del día pasé por la oficina del entrevistador y le pregunté qué tal había encontrado a los candidatos. Me dijo,” hay muchos muy buenos pero una jovencita pequeña, me impresionó de manera especial, es como si una luz de pronto se hubiese encendido en mi oficina”: ¡qué persona tan especial!


Le pregunté, “¿ cómo se llama esa candidata? “. Cuándo me respondió, le dije,” quiero que sepas que esa es mi nuera, pero mantengamos el secreto entre tu y yo”. …


   En el evangelio de hoy, según San Mateo, no solamente se nos llama a ser “la sal de  la tierra” sino también “ser la luz del mundo”. Y esto para que cuando el mundo vea esa luz,  glorifiquen a nuestro Padre  celestial que es el autor de toda luz.


Ciertamente estamos llamados a  hacer brillar nuestra luz mediante nuestras buenas obras para mayor gloria de Dios. Pero a los que nos preocupa glorificar a Dios por nuestras buenas obras, a veces se nos olvida reconocer la luz brillante en otros y muchas veces estos otros son personas cercanas a nosotros y muy queridas por nosotros.


Los dones, las capacidades, las virtudes, las buenas obras de una persona son reflejos de la presencia de Dios en su vida. Son regalos con los cuales Dios ha dotado a la persona. Al reconocerlos y ayudar a que esos dones sean reconocidos, estamos facilitando que su luz brille, para que los que vean esa luz reconozcan las maravillas que hace nuestro Padre celestial y le den gloria.


¡ Qué nuestras obras estén siempre dirigidas a la mayor gloria de Dios y de su santísima Madre, la Virgen Maria. Y que siempre reconozcamos la luz en otros y les ayudemos a que brille para mayor gloria de Dios!  ¡ qué así sea!


El Caballero  de nuestra Señora