Saturday, November 11, 2023

Got Oil?

Think about this: A big storm is bearing down on Long Island. Experts have been tracking it's path. The news has been talking about it all week. Now it's imminent; it will hit by nightfall - the storm is upon us. What do I do? I run out to the stores, of course -  I need batteries and I need to stock up on non-perishable food, in case the power goes out. Only the shelves are bare. There's no batteries, no milk, the isle with all the canned food is bare. Even the toilet paper is all gone. The wise people stocked up early; there's nothing left for me......

When I hear this weeks gospel reading, I like to think that I'm one of the wise ones who will be ready. When I stop and think about how I respond to things in my life, I realize that I need to take this Gospel reading a little more seriously. It's easy to say to oneself, "oh, yes - I know I have to take care of this or that - I got it. It's on my list; I know about it. Yet we don't actually do anything.

Let us not be one of those that are not always actively stocking up on the oil that is the Word of our God.

      + Theophilus

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