We are who we are, regardless of who people say we are. We are children of God.
This Sunday's Gospel reading is Matthew 16:13-20. You know the reading. Jesus asks Peter who "the people say" that the Son of Man is. Peter tells Him that the people are saying John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets. Jesus asks Peter who Peter says Jesus is. Peter says, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus basically tells Peter that Peter is blessed, suggesting that that is the right answer.
But, what's the difference who people say Jesus is? Jesus is who He is, and nobody's labels or judgements can change that.
And so it is for us. We should strive to understand that we are all children of God. Each of us. Every human who lives, or has lived, or ever will live. What we call each other is irrelevant, and often hurtful and/or incorrect.
So, try not to get too caught up in what people say about us. We are (this includes you) children of God, and nothing can change that. Read Romans 8:38-39 for homework in that regard. ;)
And consider that when we say things about other people, and label them as right or wrong, good or bad, natural or unnatural, traditional or untraditional, we are speaking of a child of God. A child whom God created, and whom God loves. To try to categorize or limit or lessen other people and their relationships to one another is to deny that God loves them exactly as much as God loves us. And it is destructive hubris to think that we know the mind of God.
God bless each of you.
- The Older Brother