Saturday, December 10, 2022


Third Sunday in Advent

Mt 11:2 -11




          Salt and pepper.

          Very different indeed, but they go together.  So much so that you never see one without the other.  So very different, but they complement each other and together they make a meal more fulfilling, bringing out the best of what is on the plate.


          John and Jesus.

          So very different.  John speaks of cutting down with an axe and burning the chaff.  Jesus talks about lifting up the lowly and healing the afflicted.  John points out the worst in people: their hypocrisy and sinful ways.  Jesus points out the best in people:  their faith and their gifts.  John: retribution.  Jesus: forgiveness.


          Jesus is not what John expected, so he doubts if Jesus is “…the one….”  Jesus, on the other hand, lifts John up as “… none greater….”


          Yet, they complement one another.  They belong together.  And together they do not confuse their followers or create dissension.  Together they call their followers to look outward at the ways of the world and cry for justice, and then look inward and cry for God’s mercy. 


          Repentance and transformation.

          Very different indeed, but they go together.  In this world of discord, violence hypocrisy and corruption we cry out for change!  We also cry out for peace and harmony. 


          You and me?  We may be very different.  We may be like salt and pepper.  But we complement one another.  We need each other.  And together John and Jesus need US – each and every one of us – to build the Kingdom of God.  We hear John’s question posed to us.  “Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?”   How do I answer?


“Call Me Ishmael”


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