Saturday, December 3, 2022

Open Space.

    In this weeks Gospel John the Baptists prepares the world for Jesus John was baptizing the people of Jerusalem and all of Judea in the Jordan river and announcing the arrival of Jesus. He was baptizing them as they confessed their sins.  They were all repenting as he requested. He wanted everyone to know that the Messiah was coming and that we needed to repent. He saying that they needed to get their relationship right with the lord.  Jesus was on his way and coming to separate the believers from the non believers.  John spoke of Jesus and said he was  also coming to baptize but differently.  While John used water. Jesus was going to baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire.  Sounds like quite an introduction. 

     When I reflect upon this passage I see how what John did  in the river then has a place in our world today.  John was so clear when he spoke of Jesus and repentance. It was straight forward. It was simple. Repent or else.  He also spoke directly to the religious leaders of that time and said you must produce fruit.  Fruit that is of repentance.  They couldn’t just use their position to enter the kingdom of God. They were called to produce “fruit”.  Meaning show the world that you have truly repent for your sins. The fruit should show up in your life. The world is supposed to see it.  Isn’t that true  today? How many of us talk about following Jesus  but where is the fruit? Where is the proof that your follow? Where is the proof that your believe? Does it show up in your  daily actions? Maybe it shows in your reactions to news you don’t want …. What does your fruit look like in times of stress and worry? Is there fruit of repentance when you are not having a such “blessed” day?  The point that John was making is when you believe in Jesus. You always believe. There isn’t a sort of believe. There isn’t a “I believe sometimes”    To produce  good fruit you need a healthy relationship with the Lord. To produce quality fruit you must be connected to the supreme source of life, God.  I urge you to question the quality of your fruit.  Sometimes we need to look  at our lives and see what  fruit we are producing.  To assume that we are fine or ok with the lord can lead to a hands off approach or a lazy way of believing.  We begin to assume we are just fine no different from  religious leaders that John spoke to. We are called to never get lazy with our production of  good fruit.  We must continue to show the world that we believe Jesus and it shows in all that we do.  In times of trouble and stress, we continue to bare fruit because we are believers.  Believers in what Christ has done for us.  To believe in Jesus is to separate yourself and your heart from unbelief.   Yes, we will fall short. That’s part of the human condition. Yet, as believers we know that God has our hearts.  He understands that we need his Grace.  His Grace is why we can repent. and ask for forgiveness and keep our relationship in good standing.  

    Making space for Jesus is what John was doing for the people of Jerusalem.  He was created a space for Jesus  in a believers heart.   When was the last time you asked forgiveness?  I believe that repentance frees up space in your heart. Is there  a special place for Jesus in your heart?  As believers  we work  to keep that space is wide open and  available.  That's  our  daily work.  To simply be available for Jesus. We need to be  available so we can recieve  the  grace, guidance and support we need on this journey we call life.  With an open heart for Jesus we pray, love  and live according to Gods will. Isn't that what we do as a believer? We live life as a believer, even when it's easier not to.    That’s what John said Jesus was coming to do.  He will separate the wheat from the chaff. The wheat will be with the lord. The chaff burns.  We choose to believe. We choose to be baptized by the Holy Spirit with a wide open heart for the Lord

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