Wednesday, November 16, 2022


"Remember me..." (translated into English)

Gospel Reflection 11.20.22


Lord Jesus, how many times have I contemplated you nailed to the cross, have I wondered, why did you not come down from the Cross and punish those evildoers who mocked you?


Lord, how many times have I told you that it is difficult for me to comprehend the miracle of your crucifixion and death; the so-called "scandal of the cross," how many times have I wondered why it had to be so, because you had to suffer so much?


The church celebrates you today as king of the universe, as king of all creation. But in your word, in the Gospel passage, I find you in immense suffering, seemingly defeated and turned into the mockery of all those people.


Here is our king: yourthrone is the most atrocious gallows, the cross, reserved for the worst criminals, your crown?   One of thorns, your scepter, a vulgar reed, your royal garment? You don't have it, you're naked.


In the midst of that painful spectacle of mockery, mockery, and insults, there is a person who understands, one who receives the grace not only to rebuke the other companion of torture but also to turn to you and ask you, "Lord, remember me when you are in your kingdom."


Lord, the good thief understood who you were and also the meaning of your death.  He understood that you died for his sake, for my sake, and for the love of all mankind.


He also understood that your death was not the end, that it was not a defeat, he said that you would enter triumphantly into your kingdom and asked you to remember him at your moment of your triumph.


Lord Jesus, I make my own the humble request of the good thief, "Remember me, poor sinner, when you are in your kingdom."


During my student days, at school, I learned to pray the prayer of all three.  I learned every evening at that hour, to transport myself in spirit to Mount Calvary and unite myself to Mary and the beloved disciple at the foot of the cross and there ask you forgiveness for my sins that are the cause of your death. And thank you for the salvation you gave us at that time to all mankind. 


Thank you also for having given us Mary, your mother for mother in that hour of salvation. 


And Lord, "Remember me when you are in your kingdom." Thank you, Sir.



The Knight of Our Lady.





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