Thursday, May 26, 2022


Look Around You

Gospel – May 29, 2022

Luke 24: 46-53

American author Russell H. Conwell authored a story in 1921 entitled Acres Diamonds.  In this story he tells about a rich farmer living near the Persian Gulf who was not content with his many possessions, including his beautiful family.  He decides to sell the farm and seek this faraway place that was said to have many diamonds. Exhausted by the journey, he tragically dies on his quest.  The new owner of the farm was going about his business watering the animals in a nearby stream one morning.  As he glances down into the water, he a glimmer of something shiny reflects from the bottom of the stream.  Upon fetching it, he found that the object was in fact, a giant diamond.  And it was one of many lying about the newly purchased property. Conwell goes on to say that this find became the world’s largest field of diamonds every discovered at that time.

Back to the Gospel, we find Jesus ascending to heaven and leaving the disciples behind.  We know that The Lord never really departed and remains with us constantly.  He is nearer to us than out very breath.  Some go on pilgrimages and that can be a powerful experience, yet one does not have to travel far to find the Divine Treasure that remains in and close to us.  How often I have missed the mark by miscalculating?  All too often, I admit.  How often have I missed the forest from the trees?  Many times.

And yes, I left the comfort of my family and home as a young man.  Like the prodigal son, I too sought worldly treasures that brought me little satisfaction and brought a death to my life in some way. A part of me then had to die, before I could discover the precious treasure that existed right under my very nose.

The Lord is waiting to be discovered in our backyards, our living rooms and in our workplaces.  He is like that giant diamond that was always present to the foolish farmer, but who believed it was elsewhere.  Let us not make the same mistake.  Perhaps this is your opportunity to seek the Divine Treasure and thus share in the joy of finding Jesus?   In that way, “We come to glorifying the King of Kings – the Lord who exceeds all manners of earthly wealth and treasures.  Look around you.

The Pilgrim




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