Friday, July 9, 2021

So they went off and preached repentance........

 I find it very interesting that this week's Gospel makes no distinction among the Apostles either in terms of their mission or their abilities. What I find particularly interesting is that clearly Judas is numbered among the twelve. We know from the Gospels that he was the one that was going to betray our Lord. We also know that Jesus knew all that was going to happen. We can surmise from other passages  (John 12:6) that Judas was not walking the straight and narrow path at this time and that his heart was not fully with the Lord. 

Nonetheless, Judas was sent, along with the others, and he drove out demons, and he cured the sick in Jesus's name. And he was able to do so not because of who he was, but because he was sent by Jesus, and he was (fallible as he was) given authority over unclean spirits. 

In an age when the Church is dealing with the fall out of one scandal after another, I think we can learn a lot from this; it's not about this priest or that priest. It's not about one parish or another. It's not about the Pope. It is, and always has been about Jesus. Jesus's ability to work through those He sends out among us is far greater than any of us. And just as important, we would be foolish to walk away from the Church Jesus established (*and promised that the gates of Hell would not overcome) because  of one who betrays his God. 

Peace, my brothers in Christ -

                                                     + Theophilus

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