Thursday, June 11, 2020

What's for Dinner?

In this weeks gospel Jesus states that he is  the “living bread and whoever eats this bread will live forever.” When he said this he was speaking to a  group of Jews, his opposition. They were  all filled with questions. Some were filled with rage. They wondered how this young man could be the “living bread”. What did Jesus mean by “living bread” 
Well, when I read this passage I imagined hearing that term “living bread” for the firs time and being confused too. Fortunately, today I think I have a better understanding of what Jesus saying. I truly believe that Jesus was telling the Jews that he was the truth and the way to eternal life.  He was their way to salvation. Jesus was saying that eternal life was available if you can believe and accept him through faith. 

 I prefer to keep my faith and my belief in Jesus very simple.  Either you live your life like you  believe or you don’t.  Lately, I have found myself swaying back in forth between the two all too often.  In my head I struggle but not in my heart though.   In my heart and yours too, I’m sure Jesus holds a special place.  That place is where nothing or no one else can reside.   Now, in my head is where I run into  trouble. In my head I believe in the salvation that Jesus offers but, not consistently. Most days, I wake up marching through my day as a soldier fighting to bring people towards Christ. Yet, by night fall I drag myself  to sleep exhausted by life’s challenges sometimes forgetting to even say  thank you to the lord for all the blessings that I have. This is my challenge.  I know how to believe and I know, that I know, that I know, Jesus is the way and the truth. Yet, I forget in the moments when I need to remember the most. The moments when I look at a problem and forget to see the lord working his plan. I must admit that with the way the world is these days... I find that I see more problems than Christ all too often.  Yet, I know in my heart Christ is at work. 

This is the exact reason why the bread of life is needed for me and you. It sustains you when you’re hungry for Christ  or when you have a stomach full of life’s challenges. Jesus has come to bring salvation and that salvation has nothing to do with whether or not you or  I is  a good follower.  We just have to follow.  Some days good and some days... terrible.  That doesn’t matter. Just as long as we follow.  That’s the bread life. That's what's on the menu all you have to do is ask for it.


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