Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Making Heads or Tails of It
6.28.20 Gospel (MT 10: 37-42

My initial impression of this reading is that when speaking to his apostles, Jesus is saying, “You had better give me all your attention or else.”  I imagine myself sitting with the apostles, trying to understand what I just heard and how is was said.  Did I hear Jesus right? To be received by God, I need to love Him more than my mother & father.  But from my earliest memories, mama & papa is all I really know.  And what is this all about?  “If I find my life here on earth, I risk losing it in the afterlife.”  This is one of those readings that I have trouble wrapping my arms around.  righteousness
I believe that one must put this passage in a historical context.  Look what was happening then.  The four sects of Judaism were at odds with one another.  Then comes along this Jesus from Galilee who speaks differently and who easily convinced me to follow him, leaving everything behind.  I trust him and believe he is a prophet and possibly even the messiah, but to love my parents any less does not seem reasonable. What he says and how he says it touches me.  He exudes confidence, knowledge, and integrity. But I wrestle with his demands
Perhaps I forgot the scripture relating to the scribe who approached Jesus asking, What’s the greatest commandment of all?”  Jesus replied, “You shall the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your strength.” And secondly, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Over two-thousand years have passed since the first Pentecost and we continue to interpret & understand the messages of Christ. I tend to over analyze many things & it appears that way with this scripture. One of the renown Alcoholics Anonymous’ motto’s that applies today is “Keep it Simple Stupid (KISS).” As harsh as this may sound, it appears I need to consider this motto as I try to make “heads or tails” of this passage.  What about yourself, dear brother?  Do you also feed the fire of confusion and constant pursuit, to know it all?  This is not the urging of God, but rather the evil one who looks to disrupt, perplex & misdirect us from a God who cares little about a correct or incorrect answer & more about making ourselves available to his presence.  Pray for peace. 

The Pilgrim.

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