Wednesday, August 14, 2019

LK 12:49-53

Ever run into a “brick wall” when praying over scripture?  The symbolism Jesus uses about bringing a fiery baptism to the earth confuses me.  His warning about division among family & followers is apparent, as is His anger & frustration.  While praying over this passage, I became a bit uncomfortable with His message.  This intensity & heightened, sense of urgency has been observed before in Jesus; clearing the temple (JN 2:13-22) and when rebuking the pharisees (MT 23:13). 

We know that God gives us free will to make choices.  Some result in growth & maturity; while others follow a path toward decline & recession.  We witness the choices that result in families torn apart over greed, jealousy, money & property, communities divided over politics, philosophical divisions over religious differences; to name a few.  We witness similar divisions occurring in our church today.  As Jesus warns us about future conflicts and trials that await His followers, I hear a sense of urgency in His voice. He is approaching his death & one can understand his irritation; but I am wondering about the price the committed disciple must really pay.
I have come to understand that when one chooses Christ with a receptive heart, they act, speak & think radically different (1 Sam. 10:6).  It is a transformation that is not always readily accepted by those around us.  Sadly, not all will share in the joy & truth emanating from God.  Undoubtedly, some choices we will ultimately result in division, dissension & distrust.  It appears this is what Jesus was inferring.  Can you somehow relate to His message?
Today, appalling divisions & interpersonal turmoil seem to be engulfing the world.  Division is certainly not something new to history.  During the rise of Hitler, people who were once amicable neighbors became informants by turning their own family & friends into the Gestapo.  Currently, there are reports that the Chinese government is offering $1500.00 (the equivalent of two month’s salary for many Chinese) to report the identities of Christian home churches & their leaders; resulting in imprisonment, re-indoctrination or worse.  Being a Christian in parts of India may target you for assault & possibly murder by religious extremists.  In the Soviet Union, persecutions of Christians continue, fueled by atheism that date back to Marxist Lenin ideology. Certainly, the division spoken by our Lord here does not parallel these examples of divisiveness.  Or does it?

Any way you cut it, “division results when suspicion, hate & violence take root.”  I wish I had an answer that would reconcile this haunting, divisiveness. The voices of many who came before us echo the same message  to simply only choose Christ; to endure the unforeseen and to simply hang in there.  More now than ever, we must unite rather than succumb to fear.  In truth, there is no other choice!   Please pray for our church.  The Pilgrim.

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