Thursday, June 13, 2019

He will not speak on his own....

When I was invited to join this band of brothers and asked to consider sharing my reflections on the weekly Gospel readings, I had mixed emotions. I was not really sure that what I had to offer was of much value to others or if it was, that anyone might actually take the time to read it. On the other hand, I do have a great love for Scripture and I thought maybe this was the Lord's way of inviting me to continue this journey of mine. So it was with confidence in the Lord's presence and guidance that I stepped out of my comfort zone and accepted the challenge. My brothers, The Pilgrim, Anonymous, The Older Brother, Bernard of Clairvaux and I began (and continue) this effort in prayer; prayer for each other, prayer for the Universal Church, and prayer for you, the person reading this blog right now. One of the things that we are praying about currently, is "what's next?" - How do we all come together and share fellowship?  What strikes me as important about all of this, is that our God is a god of Relationship and this is naturally expressed in the everyday life of the Church.

Throughout Scripture God reveals himself to us in terms of relationship. In Exodus he tells us that He is our God and we are His people. Jesus tells us that with God as our Father, we are His children. Jesus doesn't call Him "Father" but "Abba" the Aramaic word for "Daddy" - further characterizing the nature of the relationship. God reveals Himself as the Bridegroom; and we are the Bride. The Lover; and we are the beloved. He is the Vine; we are the branches. As branches, we are to bear the "fruit of the vine." This relationship defines us. We are parts of one body; the Body of Christ.

This week's Gospel reading causes me to think of the relationship between God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit  - and each member of the Church; Jesus said that everything that the Father has is His and that the Spirit will take from what is His and declare it to us. Jesus tells us that He will send the Spirit to guide us to all truth. I wonder at the mystery of who are we that God should care so much to guide us to all truth; and I take comfort in this awesome God of ours that loves us so much that He chooses to be in such intimate relationship with us.

              + Theophilus

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