Friday, June 21, 2024


12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

John 15: 9-17Mark 4: 35-41


Three points for today’s gospel.


First:  Human nature.  When we feel threatened we are terrified.  The disciples were only being human.  Nothing wrong with that.  It would not have been normal for the disciples to just sit back in the middle of the storm with a boat that was about to be swamped and say “No worries.”  I can think of two occasions when I was absolutely terrified by circumstances and feared being swamped and overwhelmed, but having that fear replaced with an almost inexplicable sense of calm and peace.  The first was when I was 20 years old and my father suddenly passed away. All of a sudden there were rough seas that I had to navigate, and I did not think I was up to that.  Yet, just as suddenly a calming and peaceful spirit enveloped me.  The second was when my wife was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 37.  Stormy seas for sure, and, yes, we were both terrified.  I have a clear memory, however, of a Saturday morning before her surgery when I saw a look of absolute peace on her face as she said, “I’ll be alright.  I don’t know what will happen, but whatever happens, I’ll be alright. God is with us.” The storm subsided and we got to the other side.


Second:  “Other boats were with him.” (Mark 4: 36)  We forget that.  We always envision only the one boat with Jesus and his disciples in it.   Can you imagine being in another boat, and being equally terrified, but all of a sudden the storm stops – and you have no idea why?  What does this tell us? Jesus is there for us even if we are not conscious of it, even if we don’t know how he is taking care of us.  That, alone, is a comforting thought.


Third:  “Who then is this that even the wind and the sea obey him?”  (Mark 4: 41) Our Lord and Our God.  The one who created us – out of love.  The one who taught us – out of love.  The one who died for us – out of love.  The one who came back to us – out of love.  The one who said “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20)


“With God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26).  Truly, “ Can anything separate us from Christ’s love?”  (Romans 8” 38) No.  Nothing.  No storm, no circumstance.


 “Call me Ishamel”




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