Thursday, May 30, 2024


Sunday 2 June

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Mark 14-16, 22-26



O’ Lord, You are undoubtedly the Bread of Life and my divine inspiration who lifts me up – I will glorify You always.

Lord, You provide me with a higher purpose in life and Your precious body and blood protect me from the snares of the fallen one.

Glory to the God of Refuge!

O’ Lord, You beckon me into a divine mystery and I am drawn away from the familiar to depart upon a path less traveled.

Lord, You are certainly the Bread of Life and Cup of Salvation who sustains me throughout the storms of this life.

Praise to the Holy Eucharist!

O’ Lord, You provide me with a higher purpose here that enables me to adopt, evolve and contribute to Your will.

Lord, You are surely the preservation of life and the sacred commission of all my undertakings.

Glory to the Divine Host!

O’ Lord, You are the genesis of creation who prepares a banquet for this petulant prodigal, waiting patiently for my return.

Lord, Your patient and enduring love transcend all understanding for You are the divine host orchestrating all homecomings.

Praise to the King of Kings!

O’ Lord, despite the adversities, difficulties, and misfortunes here, You remain my anchor and my loving God.

Lord, unworthy as I remain know that I trust and love You and believe that You will continue to encourage me to seek Thy golden rule.

Glory to my Higher Purpose!

                                                                                                                   The Pilgrim

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