John 3:16-18
Holy Trinity.
Let’s try thinking of that
not as a noun, but as a verb.
A verb which means sacrifice.
Our minds might initially
think of Jesus and his sacrifice for us on the cross. Yet, it was not only Jesus who sacrificed
himself, but God the Father, the Creator, too.
We hear in today’s gospel that “God so loved the world that he gave
his only son …”
And God, the Father, the
Creator gave not only his son, but his very Spirit, as we learned last week on
Pentecost Sunday.
So Holy Trinity. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Sacrifice. Not only a noun to be understood, but a verb
to be lived.
And live it we do.
I recognize God’s sacrifices
for me, and I, in turn, sacrifice self and give myself over to God, which then
enables me to sacrifice for others so that they may experience God’s peace,
joy, forgiveness, healing, comfort hope and enduring love.
Me. God.
Others. A trinity that exists in
loving sacrifice. The Holy Trinity
And let us not forget that “…
God did not send his Son to condemn the world, but that the world might be
saved through him.”
We, also, have not been sent
into this world to condemn.
We, also, have been sent into
this world, in His name, so that others might be saved through Him.
I cannot love God and forgo
others. I cannot say I love others, and
forget You.
I pray, dear Lord, that you
give me the grace to forego condemnation and to lead others to you. Only then will I truly live the Most Holy
“Call Me Ishmael”
This is an extraordinary reflection. Very deep and simple at the same time. Thought-provoking and challenging ; Thank you for helping us to pray and to do for others.