Friday, April 7, 2023

Entering the Tomb.

 In today’s Gospel  John 20:1-9 Mary Magdala visits the tomb of Jesus. It’s very early and still dark outside. When she reaches the tomb , she finds  it empty. She runs to let Simon Peter and another disciple know what she saw.   She says “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb and we don’t know where they have put him.” Peter and the other disciple run to the tomb to see for themselves. They ran together but the other disciple made it to the tomb before Peter. He looked inside but decided not enter.  He saw the linen cloths that  Jesus wore lying on the ground. When Peter finally arrived , he entered  the tomb  without any hesitation. He saw the linen cloths on the ground and also the cloth that had been over Jesus’s head.  The other disciple entered the tomb afterwards. He saw and believed. Until now they didn’t fully understand that Jesus must rise from the dead. 

Have you  ever questioned who Jesus is? Have you ever asked where is Jesus in my life? When you read today’s Gospel you find out that not even the disciples completely understood that the Son  of God must Rise.  The men that actually spent time  in person with Jesus still didn’t fully grasp the importance of the resurrection until they saw it.  They had to see it to believe.  They needed the proof. Remember that even the disciples had to witness it for themselves. So don’t feel bad if your faith is shaken every now and then. What I have found is each and every person in life will have a  moment in life where they  will see Jesus at work in their lives. We will all face what we consider insurmountable challenges that test us. When that day comes there is no amount of physical strength, money, grit, mental toughness or anything other than Jesus himself to give you the strength to carry on.   

I believe that in the lords infinite wisdom he knows each and every one of our hearts.  He understands our needs,  wants , desires and fears.  The lord understands our human condition and how we can  lose faith along our our  walk with him.   The walk of a Christian  is not  without challenges.  In fact , some can argue that when you choose to follow Christ the devil and evil choose to follow you.  This is why the lord makes sure we have no reason to doubt his existence and power. This is why we have the cross. This is why we had to see it. No different than the disciples that needed to see and believe.  We have seen.  The Cross is a brutal but necessary reminder to all that the lord has transcended all challenges  on this earthly plane.  He has overcome them all including death itself.  He is above everything we can  and will  ever face. So even as a Christian  when evil is present we still can look up to the cross knowing we have the Lords protection.     

Have you seen Jesus in your life ?  Have you witnessed the power of  Christ firsthand? Like Peter, seeing it for  yourself  may require entering the tomb.  Your version of the tomb may be an expected loss., financial hardship, challenge with an aging parent or rebellious child. Understand  that  tomb or challenge is sent from Jesus. Jesus’s hand is has a role in your tomb. All we have to do is look. Look for the him. Trust that his word  and promise is true.  Peter had  enough faith to go and see. He entered the tomb without any hesitation.  That’s what we are called to do. We  are called to face all of our challenges  boldly.  Yes we will fall short many times but  I believe the lord knows that too. He will always give you another opportunity to prove your faithfulness.  Peter fell short, yet he was given another chance.   So if you have fallen short in the past , do not let that stop you from trusting the lord today.  Today is a new day. A day in which you can remember that the lord has risen. He as made a way where there as none.  His love for you is above all.   Trust the lord with all your heart and,  when the time is right  enter the tomb. 

- Anonymous 

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