Friday, March 11, 2022

Transfigured by Prayer

  In todays gospel Luke 9:28-36 we witness the transfiguration of Jesus.   Jesus took Peter, James and John on to a mountaintop. While praying his  face and clothing changed. His clothes became bright white, almost glowing and suddenly two men appeared. The two men were Elijah and Moses.  Elijah and Moses  spoke to Jesus and talked  about what was going to happen in Jerusalem.    While this was going on the disciples had fallen asleep. When they woke up they saw Jesus in his glory.  Soon after, a voice spoke to them. The voice said “This is my son, the Chosen One. Listen to him”  Afterwards, the disciples told no one what happened. 

    Transfiguration is defined as to being transformed into something more beautiful or to be elevated.  During his prayer  to God Jesus was elevated. He was made more beautiful.  I’m a firm believer in the power of prayer. I’m not a believer because all of my prayers are answered. I’m a believer because of the power prayer has to elevate me, my mood , my mindset, my love of others and the world.  Prayer has that special  power to sprinkle a little beauty onto the ugliness of our lives.  Prayer is truly a gift from God.  A tool that we can use  in a world that needs it more than ever.  A power tool to repair us in places that only God and prayer  can. I have rarely finished a prayer and felt worse about any situation.  It’s uplifts me in my lowest moments.  Jesus went to the mountain top to pray  and be uplifted  and the disciples being human ….fell asleep!  Sometimes I question whether or not they went to sleep  or were put to sleep by the awesome power of Jesus connecting with God.   Maybe they weren’t supposed to witness that level of prayer.  Still when the disciples woke up they saw Jesus, Moses and Elijah.  What did they think after they witnessed  this? What was it like to see a elevated and more beautiful version Jesus Christ. I can only imagine that it  changed their lives. There is almost no way to see Jesus in his glory and ever be the same. 

     Prayer has that awesome power to transfigure all of us. You and I can be transfigured just like Jesus. Even though the disciples were not in prayer  themselves ( because they were snoring) they were able to witness someone else’s transfiguration.  That itself  is a form of transfiguration. When they saw Jesus in his glory their lives had changed.  Right there on the spot from that very moment they were different forever.  Having seen Jesus in a new light meant that they saw the world in a new light.  It’s  simply impossible to witness something so special and not change.  This is why we must share our stories of how God has transfigured us as individuals.  Hasn’t God saved you in the past?  Hasn’t The Chosen One brought you through a storm or two?  In those moments  we need to wake up.  We need to speak to as many people as we can about how our relationship with God has changed us. We can use our own transfiguration to leave others moved and inspired by what God has done for us.  We can share in the transfiguration of others, but it starts with our prayer. It’s starts with our willingness to surrender and let God take the lead. Prayer is our opportunity to connect with the almighty and to allow him into our hearts. Make that time special. Make your time with God count. Find a quiet place for you and the lord. You may not have a mountaintop, but find a special place to communicate with God.  Carve out a few moments everyday to pray for others and the world we live in.  You too may find yourself transfigured by prayer. When that happens I encourage you to share. Share your experiences with others so you can be a part of their transfiguration as we are part of Jesus’s. 


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