Friday, February 25, 2022


Begging for Correction

2.27.22 Gospel Reflection – Luke 6: 39-45


Who can argue that the world has not been turned upside down and inside out recently?  Perhaps this reading is offering the world a way to restoration?  We follow Jesus’ challenging teaching on forgiveness from last week’s Gospel.  The theme (from last week to this week) focuses on the harsh judgement we levy on others, while denying the same judgements for ourselves.  These tough decrees that target others usually stem from faults we possess that are anything but comforting.  How often have I unfairly made a presumption of someone only to be proven wrong?  Probably more often than I care to admit.  In the world of psychology this behavior or mindset is call projection.  It is a defense mechanism used to avoid responsibility. 


Buddha, the ancient Indian ascetic, spoke about many things.  One that seems to relate to today’s theme is as follows:  “To live without sin is an illusion.” Human beings are not born to hurl insults, degrade others or to humiliate.  These are learned behaviors taught to us from our first classrooms, the household and community.  But not is all lost, my friends.  For what can be learned, can also be unlearned.  One must first recognize the destructive nature of harsh criticism and then be open to the Holy Spirit for transformation.  Remember Jesus challenging the Pharisees by saying, “Let the one who is without sin cast the first stone at Magdalene.” (John 8:7)  Today, let us consider beginning a “chain reaction” of love and compassion that has no boundaries.  (As did the Master)


I defer any further analysis of this reading and will attempt to follow in the footsteps of the psalmist for the remainder of this reflection.


·         “Father, nothing else matters, aside from Your infinite love for us and the

transformative judgement that will reign down upon the world soon.”

·         “Let all nations unite and prostrate themselves before Your divine throne in

honor of authentic kindness, integrity, respect and acceptance.”

·         “You, Holy Father are the gateway to mercy and reconciliation who transforms

the cold, cynical heart into one that is a model of Christ.”

·         “How magnificent is Your Glory because You are constantly creating and shedding

newness into the world.”

·         “You are the Divine parent who incessantly seeks our return home, despite

our arrogance and the honor we place upon worldly idols.

·         “You are the amazing God standing within the threshold of two worlds,  

responding to those of contrite hearts and who are begging for correction.”


Keep praying!                                                                                                       The Pilgrim


Monday, February 14, 2022

Stop judging and you will not be judged

Two men approached the Pearly Gates. One was a rough cut, profane man. Foul mouthed; usually unkind and known to frequent places that only miserable people go. His name was "Woe", and in his life those that knew him generally avoided him because any exchange was sure to be unpleasant; in truth - he usually avoided other people as well, and for the same reason. The other man was a clean cut well respected "pillar of the community" who was a prominent Church goer and member of the local Town council. "Comfort" was his name;  he was a friendly and approachable person - one whom people liked to be with. 

When Woe approached St. Peter, the kind saint dropped what he was doing and approached him with open arms. Before they reached each other, Our Lord rushed out, quickly embracing Woe as St Peter stepped aside, and the two embraced for a long while. The ablution that was Woe's tears cleansed his garments and together they walked inside, the Lord's arm was firmly around Woe's shoulders. Woe was heard protesting: "But I did this," .... and "I didn't do that..." Jesus seemed to ignore Woe's protests. He only said that he was "His beloved" and that He has a special place prepared for him. You see; Woe had lead a troubled life. From his youth, many people had wronged him in so many different ways. Yet despite the unfairness of it all, Woe nursed his wounds and carried on. Through time and misfortune he grew used to the abuse and disrespect that was his lot. He came to expect it. You see, there was a part of him that thought maybe he was not worthy of anything else. And yes, he was gruff and  unpleasant - after all, it is difficult to reconcile the hurt and desolation with the desire to love and be loved. 

When Comfort approached, St Peter was very busy. The productive saint didn't seem to notice Comfort as he waited patiently. At one point Comfort thought that clearing his throat might make St. Peter aware of his presence, but the disinterested Saint only raised a finger as he continued to attend to the business at hand. Now Comfort was used to overt displays of courtesy - people usually acknowledged him respectfully and received him warmly wherever he went. But this was reaching the point that it was downright rude. Comfort started to say something when Saint Peter - still looking at his paperwork - interrupted him; "There is a very long list here of people that have grievances against you, and Justice demands that each and everyone of these are addressed." Comfort protested: "Wait a minute! I saw that rude fellow Woe was quickly escorted in. Surly hist list is longer than mine....." "Yes it was, Comfort - but in his life, Woe never demanded Justice for himself, for the sake of meaningful relationship he was always willing to let abuse and malevolence be forgot. Yet he never received any Justice, nor did he find meaningful relationship. The rudeness that you saw was a bitter reflection of what he received in life. Now then; Comfort; You demanded Justice for every slight that you received, didn't you? It says here, that you are quoted as saying in a civil lawsuit that you 'only wanted to receive what you have coming to you.' Let's begin, shall we?"

Our Lords words in this week's Gospel haunt me: "Stop judging and you will not be judged" I call myself "Theophilus" - but there are those that call me "Comfort."

    ++ Theophilus 

Friday, February 11, 2022




(to read in English, please go to the translation tab on the upper right corner and click)


Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Lucas, 17, 20-26


Mi lugar favorito en la tierra Santa es el monte de las Bienaventuranzas. Nunca me olvidaré que después de celebrar la santa Misa en la iglesia de las Bienaventuranzas en el tope de la montaña, tuvimos tiempo libre para salir afuera y llenarnos de la belleza de aquel lugar.


       Me senté sobre la hierba, como lo harían aquellas personas que escuchaban a Jesús, y comencé a disfrutar del paisaje; el monte y allá abajo en la distancia, el lago, escenario de tantos acontecimientos evangélicos.  La Paz, la tranquilidad, la sensación de la presencia de Jesús en la naturaleza y en los que allí estábamos, infundió todo mi ser…

     En mi vida diaria, cuando necesito calma, cuando necesito relajarme, me transporto en mi imaginación a aquel Lugar tan especial y busco llenarme de su paz que me dispone para escuchar el mensaje de Jesús y para ponerlo en práctica.

      En el evangelio para este domingo, sexto del tiempo ordinario, San Lucas a diferencia de San Mateo, nos dice que Jesús desciende del monte a un lugar llano. Los estudiosos de la Sagrada Escritura nos dicen que Jesús proclamó el mensaje de las Bienaventuranzas más de una vez.  Es por esta razón que un evangelista lo localiza en un lugar y otro en otro.

 El mensaje, básicamente es el mismo no importa donde sea proclamado. Es la esenciade la enseñanza de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.   Pero cada Evangelista lo enfoca de manera propia.

      San Mateo dice, “bienaventurados los pobres de espíritu, porque de ellos es el reino de los cielos “. Mientras que San Lucas en el evangelio de hoy dice, “bienaventurados ustedes los pobres porque de ustedes es el Reino de Dios”.


    Es importante resaltar que Jesús no nos pide empobrecernos. San Mateo resalta la necesidad de ser pobres de espíritu. Esto es, no hacer de los bienes materiales nuestro dios; usarlos como un medio para hacer el bien, no convertirlos en el objetivo de nuestras vidas. 


     El enfoque de san Lucas en el evangelio de hoy, es un poco diferente al de san Mateo.  Nos trae a la mente aquel   pasaje de Isaías que Jesús leyó en la sinagoga de Nazaret, “el Espíritu …me ha ungido para traer la Buena Nueva a los pobres…” Tanto esta lectura en la Sinagoga como la primera Bienaventuranza de Lucas, nos hablan del trato preferencial que tenemos que demostrar por los pobres porque éstos son bien amados por Jesús. A nosotros nos toca hacer lo mismo.


Mediante las Bienaventuranzas, Jesús estaba tratando de enseñarnos una forma nueva de vivir.  Él nos invita a vivir de acuerdo a la sabiduría del Reino de Dios.  En este Reino, los pobres son benditos, se satisface a los hambrientos, se consuela a los que lloran y se ama a los enemigos.    


     Éste es el reto, esta es la llamada del Maestro a ti y a mí. Este es el ideal que tenemos que perseguir.  Para lograrlo, contamos con el apoyo de aquella que recibió la primera Bienaventuranza de boca de su prima Isabel, quien exclamó,

¡ “bendita tú qué has creído “!


El Caballero de Nuestra Señora





Wednesday, February 9, 2022


(The English translation can be found on the upper right-side

of the main page. Simply hit translate this page, search for English and click!)




Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Lucas, 17, 20-26

Mi lugar favorito en la tierra Santa es el monte de las Bienaventuranzas. Nunca me olvidaré que después de celebrar la santa Misa en la iglesia de las Bienaventuranzas en el tope de la montaña, tuvimos tiempo libre para salir afuera y llenarnos de la belleza de aquel lugar.

       Me senté sobre la hierba, como lo harían aquellas personas que escuchaban a Jesús, y comencé a disfrutar del paisaje; el monte y allá abajo en la distancia, el lago, escenario de tantos acontecimientos evangélicos.  La Paz, la tranquilidad, la sensación de la presencia de Jesús en la naturaleza y en los que allí estábamos, infundió todo mi ser…

     En mi vida diaria, cuando necesito calma, cuando necesito relajarme, me transporto en mi imaginación a aquel Lugar tan especial y busco llenarme de su paz que me dispone para escuchar el mensaje de Jesús y para ponerlo en práctica.

      En el evangelio para este domingo, sexto del tiempo ordinario, San Lucas a diferencia de San Mateo, nos dice que Jesús desciende del monte a un lugar llano. Los estudiosos de la Sagrada Escritura nos dicen que Jesús proclamó el mensaje de las Bienaventuranzas más de una vez.  Es por esta razón que un evangelista lo localiza en un lugar y otro en otro.

 El mensaje, básicamente es el mismo no importa donde sea proclamado. Es la esenciade la enseñanza de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.   Pero cada Evangelista lo enfoca de manera propia.

      San Mateo dice, “bienaventurados los pobres de espíritu, porque de ellos es el reino de los cielos “. Mientras que San Lucas en el evangelio de hoy dice, “bienaventurados ustedes los pobres porque de ustedes es el Reino de Dios”.

     Es importante resaltar que Jesús no nos pide empobrecernos. San Mateo resalta la necesidad de ser pobres de espíritu. Esto es, no hacer de los bienes materiales nuestro dios; usarlos como un medio para hacer el bien, no convertirlos en el objetivo de nuestras vidas. 

     El enfoque de san Lucas en el evangelio de hoy, es un poco diferente al de san Mateo.  Nos trae a la mente aquel   pasaje de Isaías que Jesús leyó en la sinagoga de Nazaret, “el Espíritu …me ha ungido para traer la Buena Nueva a los pobres…” Tanto esta lectura en la Sinagoga como la primera Bienaventuranza de Lucas, nos hablan del trato preferencial que tenemos que demostrar por los pobres porque éstos son bien amados por Jesús. A nosotros nos toca hacer lo mismo.

Mediante las Bienaventuranzas, Jesús estaba tratando de enseñarnos una forma nueva de vivir.  Él nos invita a vivir de acuerdo a la sabiduría del Reino de Dios.  En este Reino, los pobres son benditos, se satisface a los hambrientos, se consuela a los que lloran y se ama a los enemigos.    

     Éste es el reto, esta es la llamada del Maestro a ti y a mí. Este es el ideal que tenemos que perseguir.  Para lograrlo, contamos con el apoyo de aquella que recibió la primera Bienaventuranza de boca de su prima Isabel, quien exclamó,

¡ “bendita tú qué has creído “!

El Caballero de Nuestra Señora


Wednesday, February 2, 2022



Luke 5:1-11


Even those among us who do not regularly go fishing know that to catch fish you need bait.  Furthermore, different fish need different bait.

Jesus calls us to be fishers of people.  Well, if we are going to catch people we’ll need bait.  What will we use?   The list is endless:  charity, forgiveness, healing, comfort, hope, understanding, strength, truth, a sense of belonging, a sense of being loved, a sense of being needed.    All the graces that God can bestow.

And just like fish, different people respond to different bait. So, we need to be prepared to use all the bait at our disposal so that we can catch as many people as we can.

Just think of your own experience.  Chances are that what drew you to God is a bit different than what drew me to God. So, the bait that we might use to lure one person might not lure another.  (Pun intended.)

Another thing about fishing – it's frustrating.  Sometimes we end up empty handed.  Just like Simon and his fellow fishermen in today’s gospel.  "They truly had a hard day’s night" (quoting The Beatles) and caught nothing despite all their efforts.  The same is true when we seek to catch people.  People will not always take the bait.  Despite all we might do in a given situation, a person might be “the one that got away.”  But we can never get discouraged, never lose hope.  Just like in today’s gospel, if we hear Jesus say, “Just one more time,” we’ve got to be ready to listen. We’ve got to be ready to throw in that line, make that cast, drop that net.  Because with God, as the Good Book says, all things are possible.

 “Call Me Ishmael”