Friday, October 15, 2021

Your Reservation.

 In this weeks gospel Mark 10:35-45 James and John reveal their selfish desires for glory and fame to Jesus They approached Jesus and asked for him for a favor. The requested that Jesus seat them at his side. Basically, asking Jesus to share his position with them.   Jesus asked them , "Do you know what you are really asking for?   Can you drink from the same cup as me?"   They replied "yes" Jesus went  on to say that  he doesn’t grant  seats. The seats close to him are those who have reserved them already.  He continues to teach and says if you wish to have those seats it starts with being a servant. It starts with service to others. Jesus states that even he has come to serve.  He has come to serve us. 

James and John were no different than any of us with their request for seats next to the lord. I think most of us have a selfish spot in our heart.   We tend to look out for ourselves before we take care of someone else.  How often do you ask “ What’s in it for me?" before we lend a helping hand. Maybe  Its just part of who we are as people. As a whole I think most people act with their  best interests in mind. Always putting their needs before the needs of someone else.  It’s almost the norm to expect that nobody will do something for you unless you do something for them first.  Being selfish is almost built into our transactions. In fact, it appears the world tends to reward the really selfish people. You may even be able to argue that being selfish is becoming a desired character trait.  While being a servant to others is considered weak. The beauty of this weeks  reading is that we get to see Jesus really teach the disciples what it really means to be follower of Christ and selfishness is the exact opposite. 

Jesus taught that the "seats" or the glory that people want isn’t something that you earn. He said those seats closest to him  are  for the people that they are reserved for.   I believe those seats are for true followers of Christ. They are for the people that Jesus goes on to die and rises again for.  Those seats are for those who choose to step away from their selfishness and serve others. So many of us want more stuff. We want more things to brag about. We want more material goods to show our friends. I think that’s  the flawed human condition and of course Jesus understands all of our flaws.   What Jesus teaches is that we must step above our human condition. Even when James and John revealed their selfish desires  for those seats to Jesus he did not punish them. Instead he was patient. He taught and  explained to the disciples that what you are asking for is something that you can have, and there is no need to ask. He will take care of that.  That’s just another example of how much Jesus loves us. Even when we are being self centered and full of sin he loves us. He is patient with us. He takes his time and  shows us the right way.  He steps down from the Kingdom of God on to our level to help us on our journey.  Not exactly how you expect the Son of God to be, a servant.  

While speaking to the disciples Jesus's message was straight forward. He made it clear that service to others is the only way to the “reserved seats” You get to sit with the lord when you serve others. Imagine a world where we were all of service. Imagine a world where business as usual doesn’t mean self centered. Imagine a world where we made someone else’s needs more important than our own.  A world like that is a world we need. Where our lives are measured by how much we do to help others not by how much stuff we can accumulate before we die.  It may seem far fetched but most of us can begin  to live a little differently. We may not be able to change the world but we can start by changing our world. We can all look around and find someone in need  and help. We can help them with no repayment expected.  Jesus, our servant died for us. No repayment necessary or (possible) He wiped  our sin debt away. He wiped it clean and forgets about it. Instead of repayment  to Jesus,  we are asked to do  serve each other.  We are simply asked to love one another.  There will be a moment, soon enough, when you will have to decide between being self centered or working towards that reserved seat. What will you do ?


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