Saturday, November 21, 2020

That was Jesus; did you recognize Him?

I can't help but try to see how I measure up to what Jesus is saying when I read the Gospels. There's a part of me that has a "checklist" mentality about things. Take for example the beatitudes; "Blessed are the poor in spirit" Sure, I try to keep humble, (that's one of the things that make me such a great person....) Check. "Blessed are they who mourn." I have known my fair share of sorrow. Check. I think it's clear that it's easy to fool myself so that I believe that I'm comfortably on my way on the straight and narrow path when, after all - it is a struggle.

This Sunday's Gospel gives us a glimpse into how the reckoning at the end of time is going to go; you know, the sheep on the right and the goats on the left. It begs the question: am I a sheep or a goat? I donate to various charities that provide food and drink to the poor. Check. I'm a nice guy; I smile at strangers and hold the door for people I don't know. I generally try to make people comfortable in my presence. Check. I donate my old clothes to St. Vincent De Paul.... Check. I don't know anyone in prison, but three out of four aint bad, right?

OK. I have a feeling that I'm really missing the point when I look at it this way. It's clear that Jesus identifies with the poor and marginalized; He always speaks in terms of relationship. I don't know how many homeless people that I walked passed on the way to work this morning. If He identifies with each one of them, then I don't know how many times I walked passed Jesus this morning and didn't do anything for Him. That's something I need to think about........

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