Wednesday, February 5, 2020

             SALT & LIGHT    (MT 5: 13-16)

In this week’s Gospel we again see Jesus mastering the art of metaphorical language, as he speaks with his disciples. “You are the like salt of the earth & light for the whole world.” An authentic, compliment & reminder, but do we really believe this?  When I witness someone doing a good deed, I sometimes use this phrase by saying “You are the salt of the earth.”  Strangely, many seem embarrassed and have a difficult time accepting this compliment.  Maybe it is out of humility or perhaps they do not really believe they are the salt & light Jesus talks about.

If you are following these reflections, I assume you are taking the written Word seriously and being led down a spiritual path. I invite you to walk with me further.  After some reflection, it became evident that Jesus is saying that we can make a positive impact on the world and influence certain outcomes that will bring about noticeable changes.  We simply must believe. (Isa. 12:2)

The Fishers of Men Blog recently celebrated its first-year anniversary.  We thank all those who followed us into the spiritual, wilderness over the last year.  (Exod. 13:17).  Our goal is to do our best to be salt and light to the world by engaging in daily prayer and sharing some contemplative insights. I sometimes take it for granted that I can make a difference.  Do you do this too?  Each of you possess remarkable gifts that act as salt and shed light.  Jesus reminds us that our gifts should be placed on a nightstand (MT 5: 15) & to give glory to God.  Our goal is to lead others to the Lord & to reinforce the truth. As salt influences and preserves food, you too can influence & preserve the world.  

I know that when I act in a manner, inconsistent with the Gospel, by saying something rude or act in a hurtful manner, my salt loses its taste (MT 5: 13) and my spiritual light dims. My behavior and actions can either sustain my salt & brighten my light or compromise it.  This is one of the great paradoxes of the spiritual life.  To know that we possess boundless decency & virtue; while also living with divisive & undesirable qualities.  This is a fundamental, challenge for the serious Christian.
Will you join me now in making a pledge to God?  Just repeat this in the silence of your hearts.  “I can and I will influence the world today, with a simple act of kindness toward another person that acts as a light to them.”  “I will spend a few minutes in prayer with God believing that I can be salt of the earth; simply asking, “What next for me Lord?” And then finish by saying, “Lord, do with me as you desire & do with me as you need.” Be prepared to see what happens next.  Protect us St. Michael.  The Pilgrim   2/9/20

1 comment:

  1. I really needed to see this reflection today. Thank you.
