This weeks Gospel Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus is tempted by the devil 3 times and, shows us how we are to appropriately deal with temptation. After Jesus fasted for 40 days he was hungry. That was a perfect time for the Devil to tempt Jesus with bread. The devil said “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” The Devil knows when to strike and knows your weakness. Jesus being prepared for the Devil responds "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” That was Jesus saying yes I’m hungry but bread will not completely fill me up. It’s God and God’s word that I count on for my strength. The devil realized that Jesus was ready for battle so he had to try another angle.
So he takes Jesus to a high point on a temple and tells Him to “throw yourself down”. Basically, saying jump off the roof of this temple and let’s see if your God saves you. Jesus replies “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’”
What a great response and a something we can all learn. Testing God is an act of a unfaithful follower. That is behavior that none of us are to really be involved with. If you believe. You simply believe. Asking for signs or testing God is a sign that you have questionable faith. That type of the faith is what the devil looks for. He looks for a dent in your armor. Look at how simple it was for Jesus to defeat the devil in this case. He stood up an affirmed his complete faith.
So the devil tried another route. The devil takes Jesus to a mountain top and promises him all of the worlds kingdoms if Jesus would bow down and worship him. Jesus replies, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written, ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’”
That was as clear as you can get. Jesus says “serve him only” Jesus left absolutely no wiggle room. He made it very clear that there is one place to look. You look at the lord ONLY. I think that is exactly how we are to believe In God. We believe because there is “Only” one way to believe. At that point the devil was done. He had nothing left. Is attempt to derail our salvation had ended.
It is written that after all of this temptation Jesus was with angels and they ministered to him. I suppose it was the reward for being a faithful servant.
This reading was such a great example as to how we are to deal with the Devil. We know that he will tempt us when we are at lowest times. No different than what he did to Jesus. We know that he will tempt us with what he thinks we want... our ego. We know that he will try to get us to question our faith. The key, and what was beautifully illustrated in this reading was the firm stance Jesus had. A stance that we can all have. Complete faith and worship of the only God that we know. I ask you, Will you stand up to the devils temptation?? Will you stay faithful during your lowest moments, knowing there is one direction to look in? Remember we as believers look towards Our God only with complete faith.
Hello there - and welcome to Fishers of Men; a place where all are welcome. Our primary purpose for being here is to provide a space for Catholic Men to share fellowship in Christ our Lord. This is simply who we are. So if you are a man of the Catholic faith, welcome brother. If that is not who your are; please know that all are welcome here and we say to you - welcome brother, sister, friend; welcome.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

If you are following these reflections,
I assume you are taking the written Word seriously and being led down a spiritual
path. I invite you to walk with me further. After some reflection, it became evident that Jesus
is saying that we can make a positive impact on the world and influence certain
outcomes that will bring about noticeable changes. We simply must believe. (Isa. 12:2)
The Fishers of Men Blog recently
celebrated its first-year anniversary. We
thank all those who followed us into the spiritual, wilderness over the last
year. (Exod. 13:17). Our goal is to do our best to be salt and
light to the world by engaging in daily prayer and sharing some contemplative insights. I sometimes take it for
granted that I can make a difference. Do you do this too? Each
of you possess remarkable gifts that act as salt and shed light. Jesus reminds us that our gifts should be
placed on a nightstand (MT 5: 15) & to give glory to God. Our goal is to lead others to the Lord & to
reinforce the truth. As salt influences and preserves food, you too can influence
& preserve the world.
I know that when I act in a manner, inconsistent
with the Gospel, by saying something rude or act in a hurtful manner, my salt loses
its taste (MT 5: 13) and my spiritual light dims. My behavior and actions can
either sustain my salt & brighten my light or compromise it. This is one of the great paradoxes of the
spiritual life. To know that we possess boundless
decency & virtue; while also living with divisive & undesirable qualities. This is a fundamental, challenge for the serious
Will you join me now in making a
pledge to God? Just repeat this in the
silence of your hearts. “I can and I
will influence the world today, with a simple act of kindness toward another person
that acts as a light to them.” “I will
spend a few minutes in prayer with God believing that I can be salt of the
earth; simply asking, “What next for me Lord?” And then finish by saying,
“Lord, do with me as you desire & do with me as you need.” Be prepared to see
what happens next. Protect us St.
Michael. The Pilgrim 2/9/20
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