Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Just wait until your father gets home

 (MT 24:37-44) Gospel Reading 12/01/19
As a child, I got myself into my fair share of trouble.  I am the middle child and embodied the definition of the “middle child syndrome” to a tee.  My younger brother followed the rules and rarely disappointed our parents.  Then there was me; opposite in every way – rebellious, selfish and living as if there were no real consequences.  After misbehaving at home, I vividly recall my mother reaching her limit and shouting, “Just wait until your father gets home!”  Sound familiar?

Let’s explore this scripture for a moment.  Two men working a field and two women working a mill.  One of each is taken away and the others are left behind. On face value, it appears the two taken are being rewarded; while the others are being punished.  I am not convinced that the reverse may be true, whereas those taken were perhaps removed because of their indifference, ill-preparedness and failure to stay awake to God’s calling.  Jesus sometimes speaks in ways I do not clearly understand. One message that jumps out here is that Jesus is advising me to stay awake.  But why?
Someone reading this may have been member of the Boy Scouts of America. I was for a short time and there was one adage that stayed with me over the years.  It was (and remains) the Boy Scout Motto, “Be Prepared!”  Preparedness is the cornerstone to scouting & survival.  It might be packing a survival kit that includes a pocket-knife, some twine and a pack of matches or maybe being reminded that a major storm will hit so stock up on water, food, gas and batteries.
Besides staying awake, being prepared appears to be the other important message in this reading.  Preparing oneself to acquire a state of mind & soul for the Lord.   Perhaps, this reading & and the Boy Scout Motto share a common thread in reminding us to be attentive and aware (MT 24:42) & to be on guard and in a state or readiness. (Mt: 24:44)

So, when I get lulled into sleep with the many distractions and temptations of this life, I must make a conscious effort to realign myself daily with God.  I must remain awake and stay prepared spiritually.  My dear friends, I implore you to stay vigilant in prayer.  Do not be lured into sleep by the evil one; for love will triumph over all malevolence.  The time is now to review your spiritual, survival kit.  Pack your bags for the trip home & be prepared for what is to come; because dad (Our Heavenly Father) is coming home.  Maybe sooner than we think.     

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving.

The Pilgrim

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