Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Unjust Judge

I’ll open the blog with a question. Have you ever stood before a Judge? I’m raising my hand and no it was not Judge Judy.  I’m guilty of moving violations, red light violations and parking tickets. In some cases, I plead guilty; and others I plead not guilty.  I wanted my voice heard before a judge who would be impartial and listen to the whole story. It’s a humbling experience to stand before a Judge. A judge is to preside over a courtroom, hearing evidence, making decisions on motions, instructing juries and make rulings. The judge is responsible for assuring the law is followed and carried out in every case. The judge is to conduct the trial impartially.  I remember one judge did not look happy. I was thinking he did not have a good night sleep. The judge in the end ruled with wisdom and compassion in my favor. Thank God!

The gospel of Luke (18-1-8) talks about the parable of the unjust judge. The judge who lacks compassion is repeatedly approached by a poor widow, seeking justice.  The widow in this parable plays an important role. Widows were often powerless and vulnerable to society. Here the widow is standing before the judge pleading for justice, time and time again. Her continual coming to the judge is a lesson, which we should persevere in prayer.  The widow has great faith in prayer, she will not stop.  “There is power in persistent prayer” says the prophet Micah. (Micah7:7)

Finally, the judge breaks down and delivers a just decision on behalf of the widow. The widow teaches us a valuable lesson, to persevere in our faith against all odds.  Don’t Stop Praying, Don’t pray one time and give up. Keep on praying. Stay persistent in your prayer and don’t give up. Keep going to God with your cares, your concerns and your anxieties. He wants to help you, let him. The value of persistent prayer is not that he will hear us but that we finally hear God. 

St. Monica prayed her whole life for the conversion of her son, who later became a doctor of the Church. His name was St. Augustine.

Saint Monica, Pray for us.

Bernard of Clairvaux

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