It seems to me that it is just so easy to get caught up in the business of everyday life; as a father who is lucky enough to number himself among the gainfully employed I find myself constantly running from one thing to another. After a busy day at work, I am frequently hurrying to get home in time to do something else: get to an after school game, assume the role of taxi driver for one of my children and their friends, fix something that broke or cook dinner if my wife is working that day. Occasionally in between there is a moment where I can take a breather and instead of relaxing, I busy myself with one of the many items on my "to do" list. It seems as if I need this constant business in order to justify my existence, and I sometimes feel like I'm so busy that I'm missing the point of it all. True, I might actually relax now and again, perhaps allow myself to become distracted by the T.V. or the internet or something else. But inevitably if I do, there's a feeling that I should be "doing" something. So even if I do relax, I sometimes feel like I'm missing the point of something important.
Sunday's Gospel reading reminds me of what that is: It is my relationship with the Lord. He is the Good Shepherd and I belong to Him. This metaphor expresses relationship - and just as any good shepherd knows his sheep, I am known. The simple truth is that I am valued because the Lord loves me - not because of what I have done or what could do. Of course there are things that I must do - but I get so distracted by everything that I forget about how the Lord values me, and like the sheep that wanders off looking for another, tastier patch of grass I too, frequently wander off.
Perhaps it is His voice that I hear when I get that feeling that I'm missing something important. The Good Shepherd calls to me when I wander off; Yes, I hear Him - Do you?
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