This weeks gospel reading Luke 9:28-36 covers the transfiguration. This may be one of the greatest miracles in Jesus life. I say this because this miracle was actually performed on Jesus himself. Jesus took Peter, James and John up a mountain for some prayer. At some point, the disciples fell asleep but, Jesus stayed in prayer. When the disciples woke up they witnessed the miracle. The woke up and saw Moses and Elijah speaking to Jesus. Jesus’s face had changed, his garments became bright white and were glowing. It was at that moment the disciples saw Jesus in his glory. After the transfiguration a cloud approached and the disciples became afraid. Out of that cloud they heard a voice.
The voice said 'This is my Son, the Chosen One. Listen to him.'
Just like the disciples who fall asleep instead staying awake, we can fall asleep spiritually. We can grow tired of the ups and downs of life and fall asleep instead of turning to Jesus with our prayers. There is no doubt that in our lives we will have those moments when we are just tired. The moments when we wonder who and what we believe in. Before this miracle, Jesus appeared to be a regular person to the disciples, like you and I. Yes, he spoke of about being the son of God but, were the disciples sure???? It is hard to imagine but, even the disciples had moments when they even wondered who they believed in. They were hand picked by Jesus himself and yet their faith wavered. I do believe that after what Peter and the boys witnessed on this mountain things were different. They knew for a fact that Jesus was who he said he was. The Son of God.
I ask you to reflect for a few moments and think about a time in your life when you weren’t sure that Jesus was your savior like he says he is. I want you to think about how you may not have been praying as often as you usually did. Think about a time when you when you took that spiritual slumber. I firmly believe that is when you get to witness the miraculous power of Jesus. That is when Jesus is standing with you in all his glory. When you grow tired, Jesus stays awake. Throughout our lives the clouds of despair may approach and you may be afraid. Know that Jesus will be there. The Chosen One. Listen to him.
Great insight. Thank you for your faith in Christ. You have helped me.